Saturday 19 September 2015

Dyson Sphere

   A Dyson Sphere is a theoretical megastructure that is a man made satellite meant to completely encompass a star and captures all of its power output. The concept of this was totally a thought concept  by a mathematician and physicist Freeman Dyson.

  This sphere as somewhat similar to the solar panels that we ca find nowadays on earth in massive amounts. These sphere were meant to capture all the energy produced by the sun all the time and not like solar panels that can capture sun's energy only during day time. Dyson's proposal did not explain how such a thing could be constructed but it focused only on the issues of energy collection.
   Dyson sphere is far beyond engineering at present. Dyson sphere has 3 variants
1. Dyson swarm is the smallest structure of Dyson sphere which is a number of orbiting photovoltaics orbiting in a dense formation around a start.

2.Dyson bubble is similar to Dyson swarm where many Dyson swarms combine to form a skeleton of a sphere and these photovoltaics orbit around the star.

3. Dyson shell is a solid shell that would surround a start and capture all the output of the star.

  Dyson sphere couldn't become a reality because it is impossible for us to create such a structure and transfer the energy via no medium for the sphere to Earth. If this comes to reality then it would be the greatest leap in history towards energy storage and science.

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