Friday 25 September 2015

I have always wondered...

Hi….but why hi? I mean, like every language in the world has a “hi”! But why! As much as I want to make this video “saying hi” I can’t help but wonder why! Arghhhhh!!!
Ok after a good deal of deliberating, I have come to the following conclusions…
When do we say hi? Before the start of a conversation, when we answer a phone (ok we usually say hello, but same thing….they are synonyms), at the starting of a speech….hmmmm are you guys noticing a pattern? Because I sure am! Always at the beginning…his are always said at the beginning of any form of verbal interaction with another human! You know what this means!!! We register voices better than faces! I mean why else would you say hi to your best friend every time you met them…it is to register yourself as you in their mind!!
2.      WARNING
His are warnings. They are caveats to avoid the incoming company! When a person you don’t particularly like says hi to you (or waves) your survival instincts kick in and your mind begins to formulate the most un-rude way for you to escape the scene before that not so liked person tries to start a conversation with you.
3.      NORMS
We do it because everyone does it. And if we don’t do it people think you are unethical, mean, stuck up, and inconsiderate towards the feelings of others. Just imagine visting your relatives house and not saying hi to your aunt, uncle, or cousin when they greet you. I can already feel my moms death stare burning into my soul….
So that’s why I think we say hi. There must be better and more scientific reasons as to why we do so. If you guys think we say hi for some other reasons please share them in the comments! That’s all for now. 

By the way, while getting inspiration for this video I stumbled across this amazing and fascinating link that talks about the history behind saying "hello" every time we pick the phone up! So do check it out!

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