Monday 21 September 2015

The Dark Anatomy

- book by Robin Blake

   Just as the name of the book, this one does really keep you in darkness of what is actually going to happen. 

   The novel ,set in the 1700s, starts off with a ruthless murder of a woman, who goes by the name Dolores Brockletower, which is investigated by a man called Titus Craigg, the coroner(now called homicide detectives).The investigation forks into many roads none leading to any conclusion till the very last of the chapters literally!!!The murder of three more people of the town is sandwiched between the murder of Mrs. Brockletower and the finding of the culprit. 

   The whole duration of the novel gives you a feeling of eerie and it is made quite clear by the author that he wants the reader to view the novel to be relating to something supernatural. The main reason for the murder of Dolores was the fact that she was "different". The "difference" was in comparison to the other human beings which is not known even by the coroner for most part of the book. It was actually this difference which led the victim to meet her end  which is very well understood and perceived by the coroner and to be perceived yourself about the "difference" and the end of Dolores, you will have to read the book.

   With the clues meeting at no ends till the very end and the people dropping dead every now and then, the book gives the reader far more time to actually relate to the book in real life in this era (which is one of the things i like to do while reading a book).

   The fact that Dolores died was because of a difference that she lived with, which was too shameful for her and her husband to share with anybody. She was shamed and feared at the same time by everyone , including her husband. Something similar happens even now my opinion. There are people around the world with many deformities and physical problems which are looked down upon and are made to feel small and weak. It is nature that made them different and we have no right to judge nature in anyway in my opinion. Had people understood this back in the 1700s and had The Dark Anatomy been a real happening, Doloros Brockletower would have lived and died in her own time peacefully.Keeping everything in mind, if you have a knack for mystery novels and if you don't mind a slow read, then this one is a must read for you.


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