Saturday 19 September 2015

Vacations to impress

Going to another country for vacation is awesome. But is the trip really for ourselves?
Ever since the introduction of social media, vacations have not been as meaningful as they used to be. I mean, once we would want to visit Paris to admire the Eiffel tower, but now we just want to take a Facebook selfie under it; once we would want to go to Thailand to chill with our families, but now we  just want to find a new "DP" with an attractive foreign girl; once we would want to travel to Rome to look at its magnificent ancient architecture, but now we just want to look at our friends' "comments" to our "going to Rome status". It is such a shame!! We have literally made ourselves puppets tied to the strings of "what other people think"; we walk, talk, and now, even vacation to impress! Trips have metamorphosed into petty "like-getters" from the beautiful "memory-makers" they used to be.

Although this is just a generalization and is not true in many cases, the fact that people want to impress people remains valid. Even if 4 out every 10 people may vacation to impress, those four people should be sufficient enough to make us feel like we're part of a clan of circus monkeys, rather than independently thinking human beings. Because, if even one of us does what he/she does to dazzle the society, he/she is not living his/her own life, but the "ideal" life of his/her                                                           mom,dad,sibling,friend etc! 


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