Sunday 4 October 2015

Movement in dead bodies!!!

Believe it or not but any body(but mostly studies human body) continues to show a few bodily functions even after death.Here are a few listed :

1)Brain Activity:
Even after the heart stops beating and you are pronounced dead, the human brain cells still continue to  scramble around for oxygen. This worsens the condition of the brain even if the heart is restored after sometime and it can be prevented using the correct drugs.
2)Skin growth:
The skin cells in the human body continue to grow even after death as loss of circulation of blood does not immediately kill them like brain cells.
3)Nail Growth:
Nothing can stop you from getting a hair spa or a manicure - even being dead, literally!!! After death the skin looses moisture and folds back thus revealing more nail and hair.
4)Muscle movement:
Who says the dead ain't got no rhythm!!!??? It is practically observed that human bodies show signs of movement like twitching, chest movement from breathing etc.
Our body is a cylinder of gases which usually come out of the windpipe which is constricted due to the tightening of the muscles  after death, this combination results in eerie sounds like moans, groans and gasps from the dead body
6)Coffin Birth:
Well yes you just heard it damn right....
A lot of women dropped dead before they could give birth. Remember me telling you our body is a cylinder of gas?? that and the softening of the skin helps the new to-be-dead mother to expel the kid outwards which is termed as coffin birth.

So hope you can live the day without thinking about the dead much and enjoy your chicken before it walks away or yells at you!!!

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