Thursday 8 October 2015


-book by James Dashner
 What exactly would you do if you can't remember anything  all of a sudden, including your name let alone your family?What would you do if you wake up in a small box which   opens up in a humongous place surrounded by walls?What would you do if people tell you that this jail is your home from now on? i would probably cry like hell, then cause some traumatic destruction and then curl up in a ball and die of exhaustion....but Thomas is different.
 As the name suggests and yes!! you guessed it right, this book is about a teenage kid who is on the track of saving the world starting off  by running in a maze.
Thomas wakes up in a place called Glade, which is a green giant place covered on all sides by concrete walls that close every night protecting them from Greivers (giant mechanised animals always in ready-to-kill mode), and quickly works his way up in status by becoming a runner but it is not as easy as it sounds.Once a runner, you have to run up and down in the never-stationary maze and try and find a way out of it to survive.
With them being tested at all the time by an organisation called WICKED, they are thrown upon by many challenges but all hell breaks loose when there only protection , the walls, fail to close at night ,exposing them to the Greivers....
Will Thomas really be able to find a way to run?Will they all survive? And the most importaant question of all, Why is all this happening to them?
With excitement gripping you at every page,read the book to find out all the answers.

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Monday 5 October 2015

Indian sport's Unsung Heroes

In India, sports has always been limited to cricket; however, sports is far beyond the bat and ball game. Today, we have forgotten the real heroes who made India proud worldwide by winning medals. It’s high time we give them that recognition for their hardwork and achievements. We really need to respect every sportsperson taking an effort to make our country proud.
Here is the list of five sportsmen who failed to become household names because of our negligence.
Paan Singh Tomar: National Steeplechase Record Holder

Paan Singh Tomar born in 1932 in Bhidausa, Madhya Pradesh, was a national-level steeplechase champion. His career started in the Indian Army as a soldier with the Rajputana Rifles where he was trained to be a long distance runner. However, he later decided to run the steeplechase. During 1950s and 1960s, Paan Singh successfully won the national steeplechase championship seven times. In the 1958 National Games, he created a national record in steeplechase. Despite being such a brilliant athlete, he was denied support from the police against the threats he received from his relatives. Eventually, he had to turn into a gangster and become a dacoit in the Chambal Valley to save his life. If the police had taken Paan Singh’s case seriously, he would have lived a respectful life as a sportsperson.
Shankar Laxman: Gold Medallist Hockey Goalkeeper

Shankar Laxman, India’s best goalkeeper in Hockey, was born on 7 July in 1933 in Madhya Pradesh. This soldier turned goalkeeper was an outstanding hockey player; his first national championship was in 1955. Laxman represented India for more than a decade in various Asian and Olympics Games. He also created history by becoming the first-ever goalkeeper to lead the Indian Hockey team at the 1966 Asian Games. Even after so much dedication and hardwork, Shankar did not receive any medical care from the Government during his final days of life. At the end in 2006, we lost one of the best goalkeepers because of lack of medical assistance.
Bir Bahadur: Forward Cheetah Football Player

Indian footballer Bir Bahadur called ‘Forward Cheetah’ was an amazing player who had represented India in the 1966 Bangkok Asiad. Bahadur’s career started at the age of 14 when he was chosen to be a captain for his school football team. This was just the beginning; he played for several national-level matches such as Durand Cup, Santosh Trophy, Rover’s Cup and DCM Trophy. Later, he joined the army and started playing for the Services. However, after retirement from the army as a Hawaldar, his life took a great downfall. So, to survive poverty, Bahadur sells chaat in the streets of Hyderabad.
Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav: First Indian Olympics Medallist

Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav, born on 15 January 1926, was the first Indian to win a medal in Olympics. He was one of the best wrestlers who won a bronze medal at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki. Khashaba came into the limelight at the 1948 London Olympics. Despite being such a brilliant athlete, Khashaba had to pay for his own travel and staying expenses at the 1952 Olympics. Later, for survival in 1955, he joined the police force as a sub-inspector where he also performed his national duties as a sports instructor. Even after serving for 27 years in the police department, Jadhav had to fight for pension after retirement. For years, the Indian Sports Federation also deserted him because of which he had to spend his final years in poverty. In 1984, he died in a road accident leaving behind the history he made for India in the Olympics.
Shiva Keshavan: A Five-Time Olympian
Image source:
Shiva Keshavan, born on 25 August 1981 in Himachal Pradesh, is the first Indian to compete in luge at the Winter Olympics. Despite lack of training and experience in luge, Shiva managed to succeed in five different Olympics Games. In the 2011–12 Asian Games in Japan, he set a new record and won the gold medal at the Asia Cup. Even after becoming the first-ever Indian to qualify for the Winter Olympics, Shiva’s name is not that famous among the crowd. In fact, very few people are aware of the sport luge and Winter Games. So, as a responsible citizen, Shiva has created a website to popularise the importance of the Winter Games in our country. Let’s hope Shiva continues to make India proud.
This is the problem of our country. Even after the lack of training, infrastructure, support and guidance, these heroes have done their best to make India proud. We, on the other hand, fail to acknowledge their accomplishments. So, instead of complaining about how bad India is in sports, we should start giving credit to the ones who are making us proud.
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Sunday 4 October 2015

Movement in dead bodies!!!

Believe it or not but any body(but mostly studies human body) continues to show a few bodily functions even after death.Here are a few listed :

1)Brain Activity:
Even after the heart stops beating and you are pronounced dead, the human brain cells still continue to  scramble around for oxygen. This worsens the condition of the brain even if the heart is restored after sometime and it can be prevented using the correct drugs.
2)Skin growth:
The skin cells in the human body continue to grow even after death as loss of circulation of blood does not immediately kill them like brain cells.
3)Nail Growth:
Nothing can stop you from getting a hair spa or a manicure - even being dead, literally!!! After death the skin looses moisture and folds back thus revealing more nail and hair.
4)Muscle movement:
Who says the dead ain't got no rhythm!!!??? It is practically observed that human bodies show signs of movement like twitching, chest movement from breathing etc.
Our body is a cylinder of gases which usually come out of the windpipe which is constricted due to the tightening of the muscles  after death, this combination results in eerie sounds like moans, groans and gasps from the dead body
6)Coffin Birth:
Well yes you just heard it damn right....
A lot of women dropped dead before they could give birth. Remember me telling you our body is a cylinder of gas?? that and the softening of the skin helps the new to-be-dead mother to expel the kid outwards which is termed as coffin birth.

So hope you can live the day without thinking about the dead much and enjoy your chicken before it walks away or yells at you!!!
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Saturday 3 October 2015

Interesting But Still Boring!!

   We have always been fascinated by listening to a particle known as Antimatter. If you love chemistry a lot and you see the world around you as a periodic table then, every term that is disobeying the laws of chemistry you will fight all day with your friends and teachers till you don't get an answer that satisfies your never ending doubts.

   Now antimatter in short is nothing but just a particle that has electrons instead of protons and protons instead of electron. all other properties are same as that of an atom of the same element. The most amazing fact is that this antimatter is not man made, it's naturally made and that too on the Earth's atmosphere. When High-Energy cosmic rays impact on the Earth's atmosphere minute quantities of antimatter are formed but these react with the normal particles around it and annihilate.

   Even a big cloud of antimatter has also been found by INTEGRAL satellite. Results say that the cloud is asymmetrical and has the pattern of X-ray binaries i.e binary stars that illuminate in X-rays. These antimatter are also created artificially.

   The existence of antiproton was confirmed experimentally in 1995. It was not just an antiproton created on 1995, an antihydrogen was also created at CERN. They created 9 atoms of it. It consisted of a positron and an antiproton. It will cost you $62.5 trillion to prepare 1 gram of antihydrogen, as per NASA on 1999.

   Even though these particles are so expensive, it is said that these antimatter can be used for medical use, as a fuel and for creating nuclear weapons. On nuclear fission of 1 kg of antimatter, the energy produced is equal to the amount  of energy produced by 43 megatons of TNT which slightly less than the biggest ever man made bomb, Tsar Bomb.
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Thursday 1 October 2015

Gadget That I Use The Most - The Mouse

   Whenever I think of gadgets, all I remember is of the mouse that makes my life!! I know its crazy but it's this mouse that helps you run through folders, play games and surf on the internet all day. The mouse with respect to me is like the Jerry from the cartoon "Tom And Jerry," small but mighty. Now some readers might be thinking that they prefer a track pad more than a mouse because that is what they used to in their everyday life, but the fact is that there are different types of mouses that are far more advanced than the  track pad.

   If you surf on the internet about mouses, you will seriously see the future right there. Like for example we have Scanner mouse, Flexible mouse, Cyborg R.A.T. mouse, Air mouse and many more. the most interesting one is the Odin Mouse, it's just a prototype till date and will be available on stores soon.

   The mouse starts it's journey as a trackball, which was a type of mouse that we don't get to see nowadays. It consisted of a trackball that used to rotate on moving it and point like normal mouses do. It was invented by Ralph Benjamin.

   Its this mice that evolved from a Mechanical Mouse to Optical and Laser Mouse (one that is used widely nowadays) t Inertial and Gyroscopic Mouse and so on. This mouse has really played an important role in my life in front of a PC and so to many of you. This is something that fills a silent room with it's 'tick-tick' sound and helped me reach this site too.
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Wednesday 30 September 2015

Is Education Worth Or Just Vain !!?

   "Can Sir Issac Newton discover gravity if he was not under that apple tree and was siting in some ordinary class just like we all do?" No. I personally feel every time when i sit in my class, that me and my friends could have invented some really cool stuffs for sure in young age if we were not educated within four walls and in front of these books with hundreds of pages.

   Even technology nowadays are so advanced that even young children too are smarter enough to trick their parents and if all these used in a proper way every student can invent something or the other like it used to be long time before. According to me from the 19th century inventions are less and all we do is just upgrading what all we are provided with. 

    I personally think that it's these books that bind us and make us upgrade inventions rather than inventing one ourselves. But at the same time it's these books that help us upgrade inventions too and if we can upgrade inventions more than the inventor himself/herself dreamed of, then we too can invent things more than anyone can dream of with these books, all we need to know is how to use this books for inventions instead of upgrading. 

   Like many inventors who spend most of their time with nature or carving their interests more and more. Every student must too be given the same opportunity to evolve their education into an all new invention and not let their education be just for evolving someone's else's invention.
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Sunday 27 September 2015

My Brother's Secret

- book by Dan Smith

Torn between the anger of his father getting killed in Russia 
 fighting for Hitler and the frustration of being housekept is
growing  in the little twelve year old Karl makes many
important discoveries.
1)His papa didn't want to leave him and go to war.
2)Being a part of the Hitler Youth is nothing to be proud of.
3)His brother is not an embarrassment to him.
4)Hitler is a bad man.
With his father dead at war, he is taken to his Opa and Oma (grandparents) and is housekept.He is rescued from loneliness by a girl called Lisa. Together they find out his brother's secret of him being in the Edelweiss Pirates and the ruthless killings that Wolff has been doing  and just as a family should stick together they decide on opposing the war.
The book is written well in perspective of a small child's feeling at the time on the war and how he thinks being a 12 year old will not make him a negligible contribution or is going to stop him.
If family relations and war themed books are your thing then this is a definitely a must-read for you.



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