Friday 28 August 2015

A major issue - Corruption

What are your views on corruption in your country?


  1. Im riz from saudi, well here bit yep
    and more over hw can I talk bout the corruption here coz it aint even in our league.

  2. Well corruption is adamant in India. Though there are many laws and movements against it,it still exists. We should do something about it.

  3. Do something about it.....
    Why always just say things and never implement it? You think people will just do something just because you wish? Take an initiative abhineeth

    1. Can you give an idea?

    2. Yeah give an idea, to make people do something

  4. Yadukrishnan Udayakumar3 September 2015 at 09:35

    There is a lot of corruption in india. There is corruption in every level -in public sector and even some private sector. But every indian knows this. All corrupt people are selfish and greedy. As for the idea to stop or more appropriately to reduce corruption, awareness is the most common answer. But these steps wont work and havent worked till now. Corruption can be reduced by increasing the vigilence in the country. And also by increasing the penalty for the crime. Now, this penalty should be the decision of the public and not the judicial system. The fight against corruption should start at the grassroot level and every citizen should say no to corruption.

  5. The government can do as much against corruption as much as we can.....
    No point in depending on them, someone has to take the initiative to make India corruption free...But not many people do so
    It's basically the same thing as wanting to go to heaven but not wanting to die
