Friday 4 September 2015

The upcoming language - Mandarin

Learning Mandarin is becoming a trend these days. It's a language made up of different varieties of Chinese. Many efforts are made by introducing different campaigns to publicize this language and make it common among the people. Companies like HSBC are also conducting a competition on mandarin speaking for children. Many advertisements are also visible in newspapers, televisions and even on internet to promote Mandarin.
Do you think that language Mandarin should be taught in schools around the world as a subject? Do you think this should be a common language just like English?


  1. As a student, I'd like to point out that I won't miss up on a chance of learning a new I think most other students will be interested too.
    I'm also confident that schools drilling facts all are not much of use.
    But on the other hand a school focusing on developing mental skills would be of much better use to a nation. I'm basically comparing a robot and a scientist in a way,
    one of them thinks while the other follows.
    Learning different languages would definitely improve a students mental capabilities

  2. I think by promoting a particular language, especially one belonging to a country of power, shows submission, rather than globalization. Languages native to very poor countries, which lack the ability to teach their citizens a language other than the local tounge, should be promoted instead. This would be globalization in true sense, as we will be bridging communication barriers rather than simply learning the language of an influential nation.
