Monday 14 September 2015

What if we burn all of the fuels on earth?

        This is easily predictable that if we burn all the fossil fuels available on Earth we will end up in a major chaos. The chaos that we would face in this case is not just a nightmare but something that might happen for real in the future if proper steps are not taken to preserve it.
      According to recent studies, if we burn all the fossil fuels available on Earth, the temperature would rise to such a height that all the ice would melt and sea level would rise by hundreds of feet. The amount of oceans too will increase in this case and we will have lesser amount of land to live.

      Its not just water. We will have high room temperatures as would have burnt so much fuels that tons of carbon would be released. Our life would me more steamy and hard as would have our vehicles but no gas to run it.

      It's almost near to late that we start taking steps to preserve these resources and save Earth for a better future instead of living a steamy nightmare.

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