Sunday 13 September 2015


Why is the world the way it is? Why is good, good and bad, bad? Why are some things right, and others wrong? Why! Why! Why!

From the day we were born, we were thrust into the cramped world of preset rules and regulations. Rules that had been decided by people who lived centuries before us, people we don't even know, people that are now dead! I can't help but wonder what gave our ancestors the power to decide the fundamentals social human life! What let them decide that we sit down during lectures rather than stand, that we say hello to greet, and that we follow rules! The fact that their influence over all social norms is still prevalent makes me think: are our predecessor's ideas/rules absolutely flawless? Or, are we simply accustomed to living in conformity?


  1. Even though I agree with you, the fact remains that none of us can do anything about it without being called retarded or something.
    Call me crazy, but many a times I have always wondered what would happen if I do a particular thing such as leaving a lecture because I want to or not wearing the school uniform because I don't like it.... no one can stop me, but somehow it feels like it's wrong. Even though it's only just as you asked, maybe we really are accustomed to those norms that we can't do anything about it.

    1. Exactly! Our brains are practically hardwired to these norms, which has made doing something "different" seem either absurd or extraordinary (but mostly absurd in our case). Just imagine if "different" was normal...the word "different" would never exist!
