Wednesday 23 September 2015

Can A Wormhole On Earth Be Possible?

  As a student fro me wormholes and pathways to other dimension are so much fascinating that i can spend a whole day reading as many articles as i can till i don't get satisfied with the answers I get from the internet.

   Recently I came across that CERN will be running their LHC in an advanced configuration to get some better answers for their discovery of The God Particles. All these might seem a lot new and confusing to many of the reader so i have explained them further.

   CERN is an extremely advanced research center according to me. It is known as the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Scientist here use world's largest and some of the most complex scientific instruments to study and answer many of the unknown reasons based on particles, universe and many more.According to them their study goes much deeper than the nucleus of an atom, which is really fascinating as per the researches held til date.

   The second unknown word for many people might be LHC. It stands for Large Hadron Collider, it is the largest and most powerful particle accelerator ever build by a a human. The LHC consist of a 27 km ring of superconducting magnets with many accelerating structure to boost the energy of the particles that will be tested on this instruments.

   Next is The God particle also known as Higgs particle is a particle that was just a theory but the scientist's at CERN proved the existence of this particle with the LHC. With the name God Particle, it ain't any particle that can take u to God or help you converse with God. It was predicted by Peter Higgs and Franรงois Englert with just a standard model. They received Nobel Prize in Physics jointly on 8 October, 2013. These particles are smaller than any other known particle and are meant to be placed in equal density all over the Universe and it is this particles that provides a substance mass anywhere in the Universe. They don't react with photons(small packets of light) and so does photons have no mass as per the researches till date. This Higgs particle attract to any force that is placed in the Universe and increases mass with the increase in the density of these particles at a certain area.

   Well the most fascinating thing in the researches that are being carried out in these minute particles is that on 15 March, 2015 some scientists as i said before are restarting their research on this and are doubling LHC's collision energy for a wider research on these particles. But according to the rumours on the internet a Wormhole might be created in the collider that would drain Earth to a new dimension. Some even say that scientist at CERN have been witness to a Mirror World. No one knows that all these are just Conspiracies or Reality. According to me we are just advancing our knowledge on the field of Science and all these can help us answer many unknown reasons.

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